1/11/2020 0 Comments BecomingIt has been. Many many. So much has.
Do you ever feel like you're starting and stopping. All the time? How do I even? Ok. Here we go. It's been about eleven hundred years since I last made a post on this site. But it's the new year and let's face it, about eleven hundred things have happened since I last posted about Lina back in the spring of 2018. I cannot believe it's been so long. Truth be told, I won't get around to writing about everything and I know that very few people will end up reading this. Maybe it's just for me. But regardless, much has happened. One thing that happened, just yesterday in fact, is a swift and dramatic change to my website. It came out of necessity of necessity and I think it nicely reflects the growing that's led to it's metamorphosis. This was the result of my most recent plan: To make a business out of my skill set as expert of movement. I am working on developing classes, workshops, series, of body work for trauma patients. This is a dream I've had for a while now and I'm finally investing the hours to make it happen. More on this later... ...But what I've realized as newfound person-who-makes-business-without-knowledge-of-how-to-do-so, I've come to know a certain roller coaster activity that seems to be ongoing and endless and ongoing. This being the high of highs (actually working on stuff and feeling like, yes, this is the thing I should do with my hours) and the low of lows (dear god, how do I do this and why do I seem to get nowhere and why don't I have any money?) This vacillation can also be represented as a little line that swirls and swirls, rather than going straight. There must be progress happening, but can it be seen? I'm not a 'business person.' In my 4th decade, I've only just begun consistently keeping a monthly budget. I giggle when people ask me how much I expect to be paid for my work. I am constantly undervaluing myself and I'm not sure why. These are things I'm ashamed of, and this is what I would most like to change about myself. Contact me if you have ideas... But the reason I tell you this is because in my formless, business plan-less plan for starting a business, I've swirled and twirled for a few weeks now trying to push ahead in some kind of way to achieve some ideas I've had. One large goal was to reach out to a number of professionals who may be interested in helping support my ideas or collaborate or host workshops, etc. This effort took SOOOOO much longer than I had anticipated! Why? Procrastination, maybe, but honestly, because to write a pitch, you have to know your shit and look the part. There were a number of steps I had to take before I could reach out, and one major one turned out to be about my website. So far, this website has been a showcase of an actor. Some images and videos to help interested parties get in touch with me leading to more work. But now I am suddenly wanting to offer more than acting. I want to teach. I am a teacher. I want to see what else I can do. And (as much as I seem to dislike the digital representations of people that are so very necessary for success,) I want this to represent this growing, becoming version of myself. I also just finished listening to Michelle Obama's memoir...so thanks for the title, M. LBR
1/13/2016 0 Comments January 13th, 2016Enquirer Celebrates CHEMISTRY!The Chemistry team was recently delighted to be featured in David Lyman's 2015 Theatre Wrap-up...
"...went from moments of breathless elation to others that were downright harrowing." LBR Add 'Star Wars,' Geeky Friends and You've Got a Script
by David Lyman 10/26/2015 0 Comments NEWS! Back to Cincinnati...I am completely thrilled to announce that I am returning to Cincinnati (today...I'm probably on the road right now) to be a part of this freaking awesome show about a bunch of Star Wars nerds. The Know Theater of Cincinnati (if you're living under a rock...or just really nowhere near the midwest and maybe read my blog but don't know much about theatre not to make you feel bad, but it's just a cool place that, well, that NOW you know about, I won't hold it against you, so anyway...) is an inventive, bold theater that challenges Cincinnati with some really exciting new work. When I first got to Cincy last fall, one of the first things I did (besides see the Cubs CRUSH the Reds) was see Harry & the Thief by Sigrid Gilmer. I freaking loved this show. I hadn't seen such a well done use of physicality, Camp, almost comic book-like in its expressiveness. I dunno. This show just completely had me and I fell in love with this theater for going for it.
So yeah, when I looked at All Childish Things, I thought, 'Here's The Know offering another opportunity to go big, or go home.' So I said yes please! There are frank, blunt characters who butt up against each other with no apology and that's...haha...not really how I am nor is it what I'm often cast as. And so I love that this is a chance to play that. Kendra, the girlfriend of Carter and outsider to the inner core of his childhood buddies, walks into the room with her bristles up and only agitates further from there. It's the vulnerability of loving someone antagonized by the threat of that person's friends/girlfriend taking them away. Fantastic. Can't wait. Driving down the 65, south. Let's play. LBR 10/22/2015 0 Comments NEWS!!! 12 Ways to Play This Weekend!This Saturday I'm performing in my first official gig in Chicago. It's a little ditty called Verona (A Love Story) and it's being featured in the Public House Theater's 12 Ways to Play One Act Festival!
It's a story about Theresa (this broad with two thumbs) who is working in a toll booth in Verona, upstate New York. She finds herself looking for that perfect someone and looks no further than the stream of cars rolling by her window every day. She's taking stalking to a whole new level, forgoing the internet entirely, targeting one particular 9-5 regular who meets her calculated standards. He eats McDonald's, but at least there's not a wife packing him a lunch. AMIRIGHT???!? Working on this piece has been a refreshing return to comedy for me. It's been a while since I worked on something of a little lighter fare, though it's far from your standard farce, offering some really lovely, honest moments along the way. If you happen to be in the Chicagoland area this Saturday, feel free to stop on by. There will be drinks, a food truck, artist workshops, basically it's going to be a really great weekend, and I'm pumped to be part of it! LBR |
January 2020
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